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* Contact : SEDEX Secretariat(+82-02-570-5229, sedex@ksia.or.kr)

Visitor Pre-registration Privacy and Marketing Consent

“KSIA” values the privacy of its users and strives to comply with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. and the Personal Information Protection Act. Through the Privacy Policy, KSIA will inform you of the purpose and method of utilization of personal information provided by the Company and the measures to protect personal information as follows.In principle, you may not consent to the collection of personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act.

However, please note that if you do not agree, you will not be able to receive free admission to the exhibition due to advance/on-site registration.

* This Privacy Policy applies to all exhibitions organized by KSIA (hereinafter referred to as “Exhibitions”), and this policy will be effective from September 2, 2024.

We process personal information for the following purposes.
If the purpose of use changes, we will take necessary measures, such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

1. Purpose of using personal information

- To apply for pre- and on-site registration for the exhibition, to issue admission tags, to manage access to the exhibition hall, to advertise the exhibition and to provide newsletters
- Member management, improving service delivery, and developing new services
- Event/event participation confirmation, marketing and advertising
- Analyze and serve you according to your demographic characteristics- To handle inquiries or complaints, and to deliver announcements

2. What personal information we collect and how we collect it
(1) Items of personal information we collect
KSIA collects the minimum necessary personal information to provide exhibition information and related services.

[When registering for the exhibition in advance/on-site].
[전시회 참관 사전/현장 등록 시]
Required Name / Organization / Phone number / Address / Mobile phone / Email / Nationality / Age range / Job title / Path of acquaintance / Company type / Industry type / Field of interest / Job type / Purchase decision authority / Purpose of visit / Number of visits / Exhibitions of interes
Optional Companies to visit or companies of interest

In order to provide convenient and diverse services to members, KSIA may use personal information collected from members to conduct advertising or marketing activities by sending various notification services provided by KSIA by regular mail, e-mail (email), SMS (text), Kakao Alert Talk, and other methods. In this case, members may refuse such services through the refusal method notified if they do not wish to receive them.

On-site sketch photos and videos will be taken at the exhibition site, which may be utilized as exhibition promotion/marketing materials. For marketing use, the user may request KSIA to withdraw the use at any time before or after the event.

(2) Methods of collecting personal information
When collecting personal information, we always inform users in advance and seek their consent, and collect personal information in the following ways.
- When the user agrees to the collection of personal information and enters the information directly during the registration process for participation in the exhibition, such as advance or on-site registration.
- When captured in on-site sketch photos and videos taken at the exhibition.
- When personal information is provided by affiliated services or organizations, etc.
- Participation in on- and offline events/occasions, etc.

(3) Consent to collect personal information
When collecting personal information, we always inform users in advance and seek their consent, and we collect personal information in the following ways.
- KSIA has established a procedure to allow users to click the “Agree” or “Disagree” button on the contents of KSIA's Privacy Policy or Terms of Use, and users who click the “Agree” button are deemed to have agreed to the collection of personal information.

(4) Items of personal information collected from users in the course of using other services
Information such as IP address, cookies, visit date, unauthorized use record, service usage record, etc. may be automatically generated and collected in the process of using PC web and mobile web/app.

3. Retention and use period of personal information
After the purpose of collecting and using personal information is achieved, the information shall be destroyed without delay.

If the personal information retention period agreed to by the information subject has elapsed or the purpose of processing has been achieved, but it is necessary to preserve the personal information in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, KSIA shall retain the member information for a certain period of time as stipulated by the relevant laws and regulations as follows. In this case, KSIA shall transfer the personal information to a separate database (DB) or preserve it in a different storage location.

Statutory Law Retention information Retention and usage periods
Laws on consumer protection in e-commerce and more Retention of historical transaction records, such as for contracts or withdrawals 5 years
Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. Restrictions on sending commercial information for commercial purposes, etc. 10 years
The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act Records of payments and supplies of goods and services, commercial ledgers, slips, and supporting documentation 5 years
The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act Records of consumer complaints or dispute handling 3 years
The Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Act History of display/advertising 6 months
Communications Privacy Act Records about site visits 3 months
4. Procedures and Methods of Destruction of Personal Information
KSIA destroys personal information without delay when it becomes unnecessary, such as the expiration of the personal information retention period or the achievement of the purpose of processing, and instructs the trustee to destroy it if the handling of personal information is entrusted to a third party. The procedures and methods for destroying personal information are as follows.

(1) Destruction Procedure
KSIA selects the personal information for which the reason for destruction has arisen and destroys the personal information with the approval of the company's personal information protection officer.

(2) Method of Destruction
KSIA destroys personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic files using technical methods that do not allow the records to be reproduced, and destroys personal information recorded and stored in paper documents by shredding or incineration.If you wish to destroy your personal information, please contact the person in charge of personal information protection.

- Personal Information Protection Officer : Full-time manager of the KSIA Association- Contact : +82-02-570-5223 / ksong@ksia.or.kr

Outsourced tasks Custodian (trustee)
Maintain your trade show (SEDEX) homepage Malgum
Establish a show visitor registration system and operate admission services Sysforu Corporation
Send online invitations (mail, sms, KakaoTalk) and reminders Sysforu Corporation
5. Consignment of personal information handling tasks
KSIA consigns the following tasks to ensure the smooth provision of services. KSIA consigns personal information to external companies to perform some of the tasks that are essential to the provision of services, and manages and supervises the consigned companies (consignees) to ensure that they do not violate relevant laws.

In order to ensure that personal information is managed safely in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the consignment contract stipulates compliance with personal information protection laws and regulations, confidentiality of personal information, prohibition of providing personal information to third parties, liability in case of accidents, consignment period, and obligation to return or destroy personal information after the end of processing, and manages to comply with them.

[Personal Information Outsourcing Company]

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
KSIA uses users' personal information within the scope disclosed in “Items and Purposes of Collection and Use of Personal Information” and does not exceed the scope without prior consent of users or provide users' personal information to third parties in principle. KSIA provides personal information to third parties only in cases falling under Articles 17 and 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, including the consent of the information subject and special provisions of the law.

Provided to Recipient's personal information Personal information provided for the purpose of use Retention and Usage Period
(Exforum, Samsung Electronics, Korea Semiconductor Industry Association)
Trade show promotion, information dissemination Information submitted when registering for a trade show 5 years
SEDEX Exhibitors Collection and Use of Customer Data by Exhibitors Using Customer Management Systems Information submitted when registering for a trade show 3 years
AKEI National and international trade show certification Information submitted when registering for a trade show 1 years
7. Rights and obligations of the information subject and how to exercise them
The information subject may exercise the following personal information protection rights at any time against KSIA, but the refusal of the collection consent may result in restrictions on the exercise.

- Request to view personal information
- Request correction of errors, etc.
- Request deletion
- Request for suspension of processing
※ If there is a legitimate reason such as a law, the rights may be restricted or denied.

You may exercise your rights under Paragraph 1 by writing, calling, e-mailing, etc. to KSIA, and KSIA will take action without delay.If the information subject requests the correction or deletion of errors in personal information, KSIA shall not use or provide the personal information until the correction or deletion is completed.

The rights under Paragraph 1 may be exercised through an agent, such as the legal representative of the information subject or a person who has been delegated. In this case, a power of attorney in the form of Appendix No. 11 to the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act must be submitted.

The information subject shall not infringe on the personal information and privacy of the information subject or others processed by KSIA in violation of relevant laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act.

8. Implementation of safety measures for collected personal information
(1) Measures to secure the safety of personal information
KSIA takes the following measures to ensure the safety of personal information.

- Administrative measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular employee training, etc.
- Technical measures: Management of access rights to personal information processing systems, installation of access control systems, encryption of unique identification information, installation of security programs, etc.
- Physical measures: Access control to computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc.

(2) Unauthorized collection of emails

KSIA rejects the unauthorized collection of posted email addresses using email collection programs or other technical devices. Violation of this may be punishable under the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.

(3) Transmission of advertising information

KSIA will not send commercial information for commercial purposes other than for the purpose of promoting the exhibition without your prior consent.

9. Personal Information Protection Officer
KSIA has designated a person in charge of personal information protection as follows to be responsible for the overall handling of personal information and to handle complaints and damage relief of information subjects related to the handling of personal information. For all personal information protection-related inquiries, complaints, advice, or other matters arising from the use of the Service, please contact the person in charge of personal information protection and the department in charge.

- Personal Information Protection Officer : Full-time officer of Korea Electronics & Telecommunications Industry Promotion Association
- Contact : +82-02-570-5223 / ksong@ksia.or.kr

10. Remedies for infringement of rights
In the event of a personal information infringement, you can contact the following organizations for damage relief and consultation.

Institution Name Responsibilities Homepage Telephone
Personal Information Infringement Report Center(operated by the Korea Internet & Security Agency) Report a privacy breach, request counseling privacy.kisa.or.kr (without area code) 118
Privacy Dispute Resolution Board Privacy Dispute Resolution, Class Action Arbitration (civil resolution) www.kopico.go.kr (without area code) 1833-6972
Supreme Prosecutor's Office Cybercrime Investigation Unit - www.spo.go.kr 02-3480-3573
National Police Agency Cyber Safety Bureau - cyberbureau.police.go.kr (without area code) 182

We collect your name, mobile phone number (text or Kakao Alert Talk), and email address to send you information about this exhibition and other events and benefits organized by 'KSIA'.Name, mobile phone number, and email address are required for exhibition visitor registration and are kept for the purpose of use and retention period, but if you withdraw your consent to receive event benefit information, the processing of personal information for this purpose will stop.

※ The information subject may refuse to consent to the collection and use of personal information, and there is no disadvantage for refusal.